Advisory &
Entrepreneurial Investor
An effective advisor establishes practices to support, inspire, and challenge the board toward greater purpose
Soncer identifies opportunities and potential risks facing an organisation
and guides the Board through possible courses of action.
Soncer provides ad hoc and longer-term advisory services to privately
held and listed businesses. We work both nationally and internationally.
Soncer often takes modest investment or angel investor positions.
Soncer actively lead and advise on major M&A transactions and the listing, financing and restructuring of companies and projects globally.
We have transacted over $5Bn of M&A
transactions either as principal or advisor.
Advisory roles presently held​
Previous advisory roles
Get our strong technical background and entrepreneurial flair on board
International Executive Search & Coaching
Support Services
Adviser & Investor
Hotel security accreditation
Support Services
Adviser & Investor
Open banking platform for business
Oil & Gas exploration and development
Oil & Gas Producers

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak, it’s also what it takes to sit down and listen
Winston Churchill

An effective non-executive director requires a subtle, relationship-based and advisory approach. Good NEDs are there to ask questions, not to give answers
As highly effective non-executive directors, Soncer knows what businesses and stakeholders require. We provide the best support and guidance for the executive team, sharing our technical, strategic and financial experiences and insights.
Soncer possess the strength of character and integrity to challenge when necessary. We act as a sounding board, providing a check and balance at the same time. We immerse ourselves within organisations and bring a fresh perspective.
Soncer provides non-executive board expertise including:
Chair of Technical reserves committees
Chair of Remuneration and Nomination committees
Chair of Reserves committees
Chair of Corporate Governance committees
Company strategy and technical direction
Bringing life saving investment and funding base re-structuring
Share price and market capitalisation appreciation
Restructuring support
Stakeholder engagement
Chairman roles currently held
Previous board positions
Appoint us to support and enhance your organisation
Expert Witness and Training
The Soncer team is renowned for their knowledge, skill, education and experience in the Oil and Gas technical and commercial arena.
Due to this reputation, Soncer is requested to provide expert witness capability in this field.
Soncer acted for a Major International Oil company at the London based International dispute resolution centre covering substantial financial exposure.
Soncer has provided advisory services to State Owned enterprises in areas of M&A.
Soncer trains smaller private companies in Business Development and Strategy matters.
We provide impartial and independent expert
opinions to resolve your dispute

I cannot teach anybody anything.
I can only make them think.

The mind is not a vessel to be filled,
but a fire to be kindled
Graham has been instrumental in helping me decide upon and find the right graduate career path for me. He helped me build on my experience working with oil & gas companies, and understand the options working with the energy industry within consulting and banking. Graham has also been receptive to my personal career aspirations, helping me streamline my thoughts and in particular choose a job offer which would truly open doors for my future. He is generous with time and advice, and it is a pleasure to continue to be in touch as my career continues to develop.
3+year equity analyst at major Investment bank
Career Support
& Mentoring
Soncer are keen supporters of young professionals and entrepreneurs
Aware of how their extensive career insight and network of connections can assist others, the Team offers career support and coaching to early career graduates.
Soncer will help you to take stock on where you are in your career, where you would like to be and what you need to do to achieve your ultimate career goals.
Coaching is one of the most effective tools in accelerating career success. We also provide confidential coaching to management positions at all levels. We support professionals to optimise performance, whether commencing a new position or those looking for a successful career change.
We can help you accelerate your career
Pro Bono
Soncer creates and develops sustainable and viable companies through business development and mentoring individuals and teams.
In addition to this, the Soncer team hold various positions of social responsibility.
This work is conducted on a pro-bono basis, giving back to the community.

Graham is Chair of one of the Mayor of London's Office for Policing And Crime and Safer Neighbourhood Teams ward Panel. This is a joint community and Metropolitan Police initiative

Social Housing
Graham is a resident and community housing company director, helping people manage their own residential properties through RTM companies or Resident associations

Try not to become a man of success.
Rather become a man of value.
Albert Einstein